Overheard #1
Mother of Preschooler to Preschool Teacher: "My son has been talking about Jesus all week and he has never done that before. H is learning so much here. Thank you for what you guys are doing."
Overheard #2
Mother of 6 year old to Children's Volunteer: "I lost my debit card this week and my son says, "Mom let's pray and ask Jesus to help you find your card." Isn't amazing how children just get it? They learn about Jesus here and they just get it?"
Dear Father, Thank you for every one of our volunteers that chooses to worship You each week by serving the children and families You have entrusted into our hands on Sunday mornings. Thank you for their commitment to teaching our children that they are loved by you, that they were created to be an answer that our world needs, that you care about the details of their everyday life, that they will always be embraced by us. I am honored to serve with such an amazing team! We truly are blessed...thank you!