Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blogging Break

I have an on-again, off-again relationship with this blog...makes me feel like I am in the middle of high school boyfriend drama again.

I refuse to deny the inevitable any longer; I am going to take an official blogging break. I know, I know, I have taken one for the past few weeks, but I have felt bad about it because I just stopped without saying anything...rude, I know.

One thing you should know about me: I am a messed up person. I have a lot of areas of my life that are just plain messy. I have a few specific things I know the Lord is asking me to crack down on, be obedient, do the hard work, trust Him, and overcome once and for all. That being said...Hard work takes time. And every time I add something routine to my life, something else has to give, and in this case, it is my blog. I am going to take a break for a month. But I plan to be back in full swing in July.

I feel weird blogging about taking a if I have tons of readers or am some super important person that has to explain to the world why she is not going to be writing down her embarrassing moments, thoughts, frustrations, and laughs any more...but I do feel like I owe you a reason, mom. :)


gina said...

Girl, you take your blogging break-do what you got to do. Ee will all be here when/if you return! Hope you guys are doing good. Indian Trail misses you guys!

Gloria Rodriguez said...

I so TOTALLY hear you. Blogging period can be a HUGE pull; almost an obsession at some point as well (at least for me). You take your break....because in the will have to answer to Him and not us. Yes, we will miss being a part of the mishaps & laughter that you've allowed us to enjoy, but your obedience is absolutely PRICELESS in His eyes.

PS: About the readers.....You have them girl. The thing is, sometimes they won't leave a comment to let you know that their actually reading. I think, that's just God's way of making sure we (i think the same thing about mine too) stay humble.

Anonymous said...

Good decision Holly although we thoroughly enjoyed reading...

Anonymous said...

Take your break, but I will look forward to your return. You are a gifted writer. Vicki :)

Melanie said...

Breaks Over! July is here! Get blogging. :)