Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Dale Rocks!!

I just want to say that I love my church!! I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed us with such an amazing group of people to serve Him with. We had over 550 people today worshipping the Lord together at our Hallandale Beach Campus!! WOO HOO!! We had an amazing morning. As the cars began to overflow our parking lot (Don't worry-- we will have a new parking strategy in place by next weekend), instead of seeing volunteers stressed and complaining because they were having to risk their lives jumping in front of cars in order to flag them down and tell them where they could find a parking spot, they were high fiving each other with tears in their eyes. That is what I am talking about! And that's exactly where I want to be on Sunday mornings. I want to be at "The Dale" where volunteers are crying because they are so excited that their campus is overflowing with people who are going to experience life change. I've never been around such a crazy bunch of people who are excited to be completely stressed out because God is moving way faster than our human minds and bodies keep up with.

In the words of Pastor Alejandro, "We are kicking Satan in the Butt!" Couldn't have said it better myself.

To all our Hallandale Peeps: You should be proud of yourselves today. You gave it your all; God was glorified; lives were changed; and our Savior's name was made greater in this city because you poured yourselves out for our Lord. Chris and I love you all and are honored to serve our Lord alongside you.

Here are some pics of just a few of those who experienced life change today.


ELKA said...

It was a great day at our campus today! I feel that God blessed us for getting there so early this morning. You could feel it during the 8 a.m. meeting, then Pastor Troy's teaching and then throughout the rest of the day. It felt like a completely different level. It was amazing and I didn't even get to see the parking deal. God is good! I am so excited to see what's next!

Tiffany Cooper said...

I love to hear about people and churches making an impact for Christ's sake. It really is the best way to live life. Keep it up!

Erin said...

So great to see what God is doing in Florida!

paige said...

THAT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Holly! And great pics too...I love seeing people get baptized! I, too, am so excited about what God is doing at Flamingo & am so very honored that God has allowed us both to be a part of it. I know i've said this many times...BUT, Troy & I are so glad God brought you, Chris & the kids to S.Florida! You guys are awesome!

Renee said...

What a wonderful day it was! Our God is so amazing! It was such an awesome experience to be a part of, you could feel the presence of God over the campus. God moved in a big way today, lives were changed forever.Others were greatly impacted. I am honored to serve along side you and all of the voluteers as well.
We are SO SO happy God has brought you, Chris & your family here. You are perfectly placed.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

It was an amazing Sunday. One to remember forever! I am still in AWE, speechless, and just simply overwhelmed with amazment. I thank GOD soooooo much that He lead you, Pastor Chris, and the kids to FRC - Hallandale Beach. Talk about moving mountains. I am telling you there are no words that can express what I am feeling. It is just AWE!!!! Everything was 'off the chain' this weekend.

Anonymous said...

AMEN! another AWESOME, AMAZING Sunday at "The Dale".I know that God gets all the glory, but I can't help to tag along with what Stephanie and Liza said, "We are blessed to have you and your family here at FRC - leading us"

Faith said...

Holly, this is so exciting to read about! God is so good!!