Saturday, August 16, 2008

Family Pics

Here are a few pics of the boys loving on their baby sister. Can you believe Max actually rocked Annie to sleep for me today? (Of course, he was surrounded with every pillow we own :). He did a great job. He is so sweet to his sister-- I hope it lasts.

I can't believe Annie is already 6 weeks old. She is starting to settle into a more predictable routine that works pretty well for our family. With Annie adapting to a schedule and the boys getting into a routine with school starting tomorrow--I am starting to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon. Who knows--maybe I'll be able to shave my legs this week :).


Faith said...

They are SO cute! Sounds like everyone is getting the hang of the new routine! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Girl, please keep those pants on....LOL

paige said...

ooooooooooh, gross!!! and hahahahahahaaaaa!

Renee said...

you are so funny!!

Tiffany Cooper said...

Hope your legs felt the razor this week:)
Your kids are precious!