Monday, April 20, 2009

trying to get back!

I am frustrated with myself for not keeping up with blogging in the past few weeks. I tell myself that I will persevere in the busy seasons and continue to write down my thoughts, crazy stories of our everyday life, and things the Lord is teaching me; but unfortunately blogging is one of the things that goes pretty quickly during those busy times (right after painting my toenails, plucking my eyebrows, and cooking :)

So in order to ease myself back into this blogging thing, I am posting a few random thoughts that only Chris will care to read:

I got a new camera...Finally, I have the default of the, "I have nothing to say so here are a few pics of the kids for you to see" posts again.

My sister, Kristi, and her husband are coming to visit this week!! I am super excited to see them! I will be sooo bummed if she calls me the morning she is supposed to fly in and tells me she never got on the plane (I won't name the sister who did that to me 2 months ago... but no hard feelings :)

Easter at FRC was amazing...almost 19,000 in attendance, 955 salvations, and 632 baptisms!! We had 1,155 in attendance at our Hallandale campus!! I love being a part of this church, and I am so honored to have a part in what God is doing in my generation.

I have a envy problem with people who have more energy than me...Chris is one of the people I envy. He can go day after day with very little sleep...How do people do that? ( you know, legally and healthily--although, I don't think healthily is a word)? I would love some ideas...

Is there such a thing/job as a time management trainer? You know, we have fitness trainers, life coaches, mentors, but what about someone who looks at what is on your plate daily, evaluates your goals, and says, "Do this first, then you have 15 minutes to fold laundry, and then do this...OK don't get A.D.D on me, you need to do this next" OR, "Come back, come back, quit reading/writing blogs you're supposed to be planning for your meeting tomorrow night!"
I think one could make a great career in this field...maybe not, maybe it's just me...I'm sure more mature people can do this for themselves :) I have the worst A.D.D some days and I think, "If I just had a coach to tell me what I was working on and what's the next most important thing to do."

I think right now he would say, "Finish blogging, start the laundry, and make those 2 phone calls you said you would while the kids are still napping."


Kristin said...

So glad you're back! :)

steph said...

I know what you mean about trying to keep up with blogging...such STRESS, huh? :) I try to do good, but then realize it's been weeks since I've blogged...anyway, enjoyed your post...looking forward to getting together over coffee very soon :) Enjoy your time with your sister.

Anonymous said...

Holly would you quit blogging and get back to your responsibilities.....I can't believe you have the nerve to think you can sit down, think, and create for awhile....unbelievable :)


Gloria Rodriguez said...

I am giving you a high five right now.. It is hard @ times to keep up with the bloggin, but you are right where you need to be. Hey, I would love for you to keep up with it and stop slacking..LOL......but that would be TOTALLY selfish of me......