Tuesday, June 17, 2008


As I was driving home from church the other day with the boys and their little friend, Charlize, I overheard this conversation:

Max: "Charlize, I am almost a daddy. You know why?"

Charlize: "No."

Max: (As he is pointing to his legs) "See, I am almost a daddy."

Charlize: "See what? I see hair on your legs right there."

Max: "Yeah, see that hair right there?"

Charlize: "Yes."

Max: "That is why I am almost a daddy. When you have hair on your legs you are almost a daddy."

What a great life lesson :)


Melanie said...

Jeff just walked by and asked if those were your legs. I'm not kidding! He had read your previous post and thought you were posting a picture of them. I just thought that it was hilarious!

Holly said...

Mel-- It is pretty close. I have 3 more weeks until I deliver, and I am sure that wil be accurate by then!!!

Anonymous said...

Great to have found your blog. Saw it on Scott's post this morning.

Jenny said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

I wish he wanted to be like me in an area that mattered! Chris

Faith said...

That is hilarious!!! Love Melanie's comment too!!!
Hey, I know you are so busy, but I tagged you for something fun on my blog if you have a chance!