The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sunscorched land and will strengthen your frame. Isaiah 58:11
2 Corinthians 8:1-3
This one is nothing to brag about, but it is super comfy and great for running a few errands in before I head to the gym.
What do you think of my finds? Did I do OK without my sisters? Tell me now...because I still have the tags on everything...I can take it back if I need to! I am excited about them..I practically doubled the amount of clothes I have that fit (not quite, but close!)
One day soon I will share my frugal shopping tips with you, but here's one for now: If you like the legging look, it's great because it is super comfy, in style, and cheaper (you don't have to buy the bottom half :). Oh, and don't buy your leggings at the mall. You can get those at Target for $6.99.
Last thing: If you are trying something new and not quite sure about it: The best thing to do is act confident!! Don't act like you're not sure...Be confident about it and usually (I can't promise for sure!) you can pull it off.
Sorry for the prolonged absence...I will spare you my excuses, but know that I have plenty :)
Here he is at his last program: Doesn't he look pathetic? And trust me, this is the best picture, I deleted the others...it killed me just to look at them.
My boys are supposed to be in bed. When I went to check on them, I found this bench moved into their doorway. When I questioned what they were doing, Max says, "Mom you can't walk in our gate. You need your sticker to pick us up." (He's referring to the security sticker you have to have at church to pick the kids up...I hate to admit we have learned this lesson the hard way!) :).
Oh, my boys, they make me laugh time and time again.
Another thing I found myself thanking God for during my time in Nebraska was time alone with my mom (that is, if you consider me, my mom, and my 3 kids alone...I do!) And no, Mom, in case you are thinking that I am just trying to keep you from feeling left out after my last post...you're wrong:). If you happened to grow up in a large family then I know you would agree that time alone with one parent is a rare occasion. I had so much fun just being with my mom. Normally, when I am with my mom we (my mom and her 4 daughters) take care of all our "girly things". We get our hair done, get pedicures, go to coffee, shop-- and maybe a few other things I won't post :). I didn't know if we would know what to do with ourselves on a farm a ways away from anything "prissy". But man, we had a blast! We talked, we baked, we cooked (OK, well, she cooked and I talked :), we shopped, we carved pumpkins, we ate (Boy did we eat!! I had 3 home cooked meals every day....The last time that happened had to be during my high school years when I was still at home...my poor husband and kids!)
My mom is such a woman of God and she definitely has the gift of wisdom, so it was such blessing to have her ear and insights for an entire week. AND we actually got a little shopping in too!
Thanks Mom, for a great week. I am very grateful for all energy and time you put into cooking and caring for us, cleaning up after us, and arranging for the kids to have each day jam-packed with new experiences. You would be proud of me too--I felt so guilty with every bite of those 3 home cooked meals each day, that I have stepped up my game in the kitchen at home. I have limited protein bars to only one meal a day (I know, it is horrible..my boys are hooked on high school musical protein bars)! I actually made eggs the other night (yes, night...breakfast remains the one protein bar meal) and Max, says, "Mom, this is the best supper you've cooked"....and the worst part...Chris says, "I agree"! EGGS, Mom...the best thing I've ever cooked. How pathetic. You will see a new me by Christmas. That's right. You can take me off the ice, dinner rolls, and paper product list...I am going to blow you away with the new kitchen- friendly me :).
P.S. I know I have posted a gazillion pics on my last few entries...but I can't figure out how to do a slide show...I'm going to keep working on it though!!