A few tips for those of you who may feel like money is too tight to be a part of
The Gift Revolution:
1. Cut down on the "little" luxuries you may take for granted. Better to grab a Starbucks or Jamba Juice half as often, but be able to bless someone else with one when we do.
2. Remember...money is not the only way to bless. What would you ask for if someone said they wanted to bless you? Would it be money? OK maybe, but not always. If you are in the same boat as me, it might be something like free childcare, a clean car or house, Christmas decorations put up outside, a cooked meal, an encouraging word to keep going even when aliens have invaded your kids, a compliment (for example, "You look great...even though you have spit up on your shoulder, toilet paper hanging from your boot, and roots as black as Cuban coffee. Tell me, Holly, how do you do it all?")
Here's an example: On Thanksgiving, one of our friends held Annie for us and his kids entertained our boys while Chris and I ate, and I really think it was the first meal in a very long time that I have (1) eaten without a kid on my lap (2) actually tasted. It was a huge blessing. To bless someone does not have to include money.
One more: A friend text me today that she was sending me a high five...no money involved, but it made me smile right in the middle of cleaning up spilled spaghettios.
3. Cheat and skip a few things this year so you can be a part of this
Revolution.One thing we are skipping is Christmas cards. Chris and I decided we would rather put Gift Revolution cards in people's hands with a small blessing than one with a picture of our family on it. Small thing, but a way for us to cut back.
Where can you cheat this year so you can bless someone else?
4. Trust God. Make a choice to believe the truth...that your Father owns it all, and can He lavish you tomorrow with a million bucks if He decides to. He wants us to bless others in His Name. He will fund you with the resources you need to make His Name great. Believe that...and pray for strength to walk in that belief even when you don't feel it....or when it looks like there is too much month and too little money. Our employers, our investments, our savings are not the sources of our income...they are just a tunnel by which God provides for us. He has lots of tunnels...don't get hung up on which ones He is going to use to provide for you. Just trust...and leave that to Him to figure out...He can handle it.
5. Finally, remember that you cannot out-give God. For Chris and I, when money gets tight, and we seem to come up empty handed (no pun intended :) with ideas on how to make immediate extra income, we do the only thing we know to do based on
this verse....We increase our giving. Invest more in the eternal, and sit back and watch God work in your present.
His word will prove true.Don't let anything stop you from joining the Revolution with us!
Let me know of any ideas/tips you may have.